Scripture Reading - Acts 6:3 KJV

Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.

In a previous lesson we spoke about “Ministry Leadership” and then we taught a little on "Family Leadership” today we will examine “Business Leadership”. Of course, the type of business could vary from a very public government political position to a private company with three workers. The key in “Business Leadership” is possessing the skills/traits mentioned in the above Holy Bible verse. The very first character trait that must be present in a “business leader” is honesty because a dishonest leader will not only rob from the company but they will also steal from the employees as well. Stealing joy, fairness and peace of mind is just as much as a crime in God’s Kingdom as stealing money financially. Being honest is so much more than doing what is right because it is also being right in eyes of God. This is why the scripture states the leaders must be of an honest report. It is not enough to just think you are honest with the employees by yourself but the employees (and other people like customers) must also think you are honest. Your reputation transcends your general location when you are involved with other people because whatever you do is being watched and recorded by both God and men (woman and children included). Honesty comes from the heart and that is why the next trait mentions being filled with the Holy Spirit. Of course we (ihlcc) know that every “business leader” will not be filled with God’s Holy Spirit but that is the best model to follow according to God’s Word. Yes, dearly beloved saint, you should be privately praying for your boss to be saved because that will make His (or Her) boss the Lord Jesus who is the best leader there is. When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn according to Proverbs 29:2. When the statement is used about being filled with the Holy Spirit it basically means a person who walks in pure love. Yes, the “business leader” demonstrates the love of God toward others consistently. A loving “business leader” will be empathetic toward your problems, thus they will find reasonable solutions with you as opposed to against you. Compassionate “business leaders” do realize that they should treat their workers with the same respect, courtesy and dignity that they would like to be treated with. This makes life for the company and it’s employees a lot more healthier and happier because they are following the Golden Rule, which is “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. The third trait that is mentioned is wisdom because the proper display of wisdom does several key things. Wisdom knows how to use accurate knowledge the right way. Wisdom knows when to do things at the right time because wisdom has patience. Wisdom also can clearly see into the future. Although wisdom may not predict the next five years, it can easily see if a decision today will hurt us (the company, its employees and the customers) the tomorrow. Wisdom also understands the proper (correct) balance between people and profit. You did notice the order didn’t you. Yes, we (ihlcc) believe you put people first then the profits come from God’s help because your motive is right. Yes, we know many business scholars will disagree with that statement but they are not full of God’s Holy Spirit (the second trait) so their primary motivation is money. Notice that we did not say every “business leader” has to have these three characteristics to be successful. What we are saying is that possessing these three characteristics will fulfill God’s requirements for “a good business leader”, thus having success with God’s Way (His will) will show you and position you to be successful with men also. Remember a good name is better to chosen that great riches, so there is more to this than just money and fame. We (ihlcc) are discussing being “a good business leader” not just running a business because if you run a business into financial profit while you run the employees into the ground don’t fool yourself you are not a good business leader you are reduced to just being a business manager who is leading no one but yourself. It is like the saying, “If you are leading and no one is following, you are just taking a walk by yourself the Lord is not with your business as The Leader”. Amen.